Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Sekolah                 :     SMAN ….
Mata Pelajaran                :     Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester                :     XI IPS-4 / 2
Alokasi Waktu                 :     2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )
Topik Pembelajaran       :     narrative text
Pertemuan Ke                 :     3 (tiga)

A.     Standar Kompetensi
10.2.          Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan essei berbentuk  narrative, spoof  dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari .

B.     Kompetensi Dasar
10.2.1        Mengungkapkan makna dalam esei dengan mengguna-kan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari  dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition.

C.     Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
  • Menyebutkan macam-macam narrative text dengan benar
  • Menyebutkan bagian-bagian dari narrative text dengan benar
  • Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian dari narrative text
  • Telling story dari narrative text yang diberikan( fabel)

D.     Tujuan Pembelajaran
·         Siswa dapat menyebutkan macam-macam narrative text dengan benar
·         Siswa dapat menyebutkan bagian-bagian dari narrative text dengan benar
·         Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian dari narrative text
·         Siswa dapat bercerita ulang tentang narrarive story dari text yang sebelumnya mereka dapatkan dari guru.

E.     Materi Pokok
         Narrative text :
         a kind of text to retell the story that past tense.
         The purpose :
         to entertain or to amuse the readers about the story
         Generic structure :
1.    Orientation                  :It set the scene and introduce the participants (it answers the question : who, when, what, and where).
2.    Complication               :Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them.
3.    Resolution                   :The crisis is resolved, for better or worse.
4.      Re-orientation            :The ending of the story.
Example :

One day, a monkey was looking for food. He was very hungry. He had looked anywhere. Finally, he came to a fence. There were a lot of big peaches inside the fence. The monkey tried to get into. But he failed. At last, he found a hole in the fence. But the hole was too small for him to go through.
“What should I do?” the monkey thought. He wandered around the fence. He was very sad.
         Day after day, the monkey became thinner and thinner. At last, he could get thought the fence. He ate a lot of peaches. He became fatter and fatter. He wanted to go outside. But the hole was too small for him. He waited and waited. He couldn’t eat anymore. Eventually, he became thin enough to go out.

G.     Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
 Pendekatan       : competence based approach
Technique           : group numbering

H. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Awal  (15 minutes)
§  Do’a
§  Apersepsi (salam pembuka)
§  Mengecek kehadiran siswa
§  Memberi yell
§  Warm-up activity
Kegiatan Inti
Eksplorasi (15 minutes)
§  Memberikan stimulus (brainstorming) tentang narrative text
§  Mendiskusikan materi tentang narrative text
Elaborasi (50 minutes)
§  Membagi siswa menjadi 4 kelompok
§  Masing-masing kelompok text yang berbeda
§  Siswa mendiskuskan text yang telah diberikan
§  Siswa menulis hasil diskusi
§  Salah satu siswa menceritakan hasil diskusi kelompoknya kepada kelompok lain didepan secara bergantian
Konfirmasi (5 minutes)
§  Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran
Kegiatan Akhir (5 minutes)
§  Memberi pekerjaan rumah mencari narrative text berbentuk legenda
§  Salam penutup
I.       Sumber/Bahan/Alat
§  Buku English Alive
§  Narrative text
§  papper

I.       Penilaian


Memahami isi teks narrative yang didengar

Tes lisan
Telling story

II. Instrumen  Penilaian


Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.
One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.
The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.
The smartest animal
Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and every evening, he ploughed his field with his buffalo.
One day, a tiger saw the farmer and his buffalo working in the field. The tiger was very surprised to see a big animal listening to a small animal. The tiger wanted to know more about the big animal and the small animal.
After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo; “you are so big and strong. Why do you do everything the man tells you?” The buffalo answered; “oh, the man is very intelligent”.
The tiger asked; “can you tell me how intelligent he is?”. “No, I can’t tell you”, said the buffalo; “but you can ask him”
So the next day the tiger asked to the man; “Can I see your intelligence?”. But the man answered; “it at home”. “Can you go and get it?” asked the tiger. “Yes” said the man; “but I am afraid you will kill my buffalo when I am gone. Can I tie you to a tree?”
After the man tied the tiger to the tree, he didn’t go home to get his intelligence. He took his plough and hit the tiger. Then he said; “Now you know about my intelligence even you haven’t seen it.

An Honest Mother Kangaroo

Mother kangaroo and a little white rabbit are neighbors. One day, they are going to the zoo together. But the zoo is far away fro their home. So they have to wait for bus.
A gust of wind blows and the little white rabbit feels very cold. He says to mother Kangaroo, “Mother Kangaroo, I’m very cold, may I go into your pocket?” “Sure” mother Kangaroo agrees.
After getting on the bus, the little white rabbit doesn’t come out. So, mother Kangaroo buys two tickets.
Getting off the bus, the rabbit comes out from the pocket. Mother Kangaroos says to him, “Here is your ticket.” The rabbit says surprisedly. “What? You bought a ticket for me? I am so small that the conductor cannot see me.” Mother Kangaroo says,” Oh, no. We must be honest at any time.” The rabbit feels very ashamed.

The City Mouse And The Country Mouse

Once there were two mice. They were good friends. One lived in country, and the other lived in the city.
One day, the country mouse invited the city mouse to his home in the country. The city mouse went. But he said,” I don’t like your house. It’s very small and dirty. I don’t like your food. It’s too terrible. You must come to my home in the city. It’s much better than yours.”
So the country mouse went. He saw the city mouse’s house was very nice. When they were eating the delicious food, the city mouse shouted suddenly, “Hurry up. The cat is coming. Run! Run!”
The country mouse was hardly caught by the cat. He said to the city mouse,” Your home is very nice but not safe, so I don’t like it. I still like living in the country.”

III.  Pedoman Penilaian    

Telling dengan intonasi yang baik dan benar
Telling dengan intonasi yang benar namun masih putus-putus
Telling dengan intonasi datar dan terputus-putus

Jumlah nilai = Ʃx x 20

                                                                                                            Grogol, 16 Januari 2013
Guru Pamong,                                                                                   Mahasiswa ybs,

ENI YULVANURAENI S.Pd                                                         ELY ERMASARI
NIP.19700205 200701 2 015                                                             NPM.09020230047                                       

Kepala Sekolah,


Education Finance
School for all children between the ages of six and fifteen is free. Senior high schools, for students aged fifteen to eighteen, do charge tuition fees in order to supplement government funding, but these fees do not appear burdensome enough to prevent students from attending.  School funding is very centralized, with local school systems deriving 80% of their revenue from the central Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) budget. The central ministry directly funds teachers’ salaries in elementary and lower secondary school as well as preschool programs.

Kandungan Curcuma xanthorhiza rox, kurkumin, mengandung sejuta manfaat untuk perbaikan kesehatan.

Indonesia sebagai negara tropis yang dikenal dengan  the second mega biodiversity, dibanjiri oleh tanaman yang diketahui secara empiris atau penelitian berkhasiat obat. Salah satunya adalah temulawak yang termasuk dalam keluarga jahe (zingiberaceae). Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorhiza roxb) merupakan tanaman obat asli Indonesia. Meski demikian, penyebaran tanaman yang kondang dengan sebutan curcuma javanica ini, hanya terbatas di pulau Jawa, Maluku, dan Kalimantan. Temulawak tumbuh sebagai  semak tak berbatang. Mulai dari pangkalnya sudah memunculkan tangkai daun yang panjang berdiri tegak. Tinggi tanaman antara 2 sampai 2,5 meter. Daunnya bundar panjang, mirip daun pisang. Pelepah daunnya saling menutupi membentuk batang.

Tumbuhan yang patinya mudah dicerna ini dapat tumbuh baik di dataran rendah hingga ketinggian 750 meter di atas permukaan laut. Temulawak dapat dipanen setelah berusia 8-12 bulan, saat daunnya telah menguning dan kelihatan hampir mati. Umbi akan muncul dari pangkal batang, warnanya kuning tua atau coklat muda, panjangnya sampai 15 sentimeter dan berdiameter 6 sentimeter. Baunya harum dan rasanya pahit agak pedas.

Manfaat temulawak untuk kesehatan, sebenarnya telah lama diketahui secara empiris dan pengalaman turun-menurun dari nenek moyang. Sejak dulu temulawak digunakan sebagai obat penurun panas, merangsang nafsu makan, mengobati sakit kuning, diare, mag, perut kembung, dan pegal-pegal. Terakhir juga diketahui temulawak  bisa menurunkan lemak darah, menghambat penggumpalan darah sebagai antioksidan, dan memelihara kesehatan dengan meningkatkan daya imun. Beberapa manfaat tersebut kemudian akhirnya terbukti secara klinis. Melihat manfaat temulawak yang se-abrek ini,  tak ayal lagi pemerintah mencanangkan ”gerakan nasional minum temulawak” sejak 2 tahun silam.

Bantu Hati Hantam Toksin                                                

Daging buah (rimpang) temulawak mengandung beberapa senyawa kimia, antara lain minyak atsiri fellandrean dan turmerol, kamfer, glukosida, foluymetik karbinol, dan kurkumin. Kurkumin diketahui sebagai kandungan yang banyak memberi manfaat, terutama sebagai  anti hepototoksik dan antioksidan.

Bagaimana mekanisme kurkumin sebenarnya dalam menyelamatkan “lambang romantisme” ini masih belum jelas. Namun sebuah studi pada hewan percobaan melaporkan, kurkumin secara kuat menghambat enzim cytochrome 4501A1/1A2 di hati. Enzim ini merupakan isoenzim yang terlibat dalam bioaktivasi beberapa toksin termasuk  benzo[a]pyrene. Kurkumin ditemukan juga mencegah pembentukan ikatan kovalen antara cytochrome P450 dan DNA. Dan, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa kurkumin bisa saja menghambat karsinogenesis oleh kimiawi dengan memodulasi fungsi P450.
Selain itu, kurkumin ditemukan juga menawarkan proteksi hati terhadap toksisitas alkohol. Efek ini terbukti pada sebuah studi yang dilakukan pada tikus yang diinduksi dengan etanol 25%. Tikus yang memperoleh kurkumin 80 mg/kg BB mengalami penurunan  kadar enzim hati dan produk reaktif asam tiobarbiturat. Di samping itu, sebuah studi lainnya juga menunjukkan, kurkumin menurunkan kerusakan hati melalui pengurangan peroksidasi lipid. Hal ini diamati pada tikus yang hatinya telah diinduksi dengan zat besi. Masih berdasarkan studi pra klinis, kurkumin dilaporkan juga meningkatkan aktifitas glutathione-S-transferase. Enzim ini sangat penting dalam proses detoksifikasi.
Uji Klinis Kurkumin

Sebuah uji klinis yang tidak begitu besar telah dilakukan di Tanah Air untuk melihat manfaat kurkumin dalam memperbaiki fungsi hati. Studi ini melibatkan sekitar 38 pasien gangguan hati atau memiliki nilai SGPT dan SGOT di atas normal dari 5 area (Bogor, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Palembang dan Jakarta). Pasien diberikan gabungan kurkumin 25 mg, essential phospholipid 100 mg, dan vitamin E 100 mg. Studi ini menggunakan metoda seeding trial atau tanpa pembanding. Pengamatan dilakukan oleh sekitar 20 peneliti dalam periode Juli-Desember 1998.

Adapun parameter yang digunakan adalah nilai SGPT dan SGOT. SGPT  merupakan  enzim yang diproduksi oleh hepatocytes, jenis sel yang banyak terdapat di liver. Kadar SGPT dalam darah akan meningkat seiring dengan kerusakan pada sel hepatocytes yang bisa terjadi karena infeksi virus hepatitis, alkohol, obat-obat yang menginduksi terjadinya kerusakan hepatocytes, dan sebab lain seperti adanya shok atau keracunan obat.
Nilai  SGPT yang dianggap normal adalah 0 – 35 unit per liter (u/l). Peningkatan nilai SGPT 50 kali dari normal menandakan rendahnya aliran darah pada hati, hepatitis, atau kerusakan sel hati yang disebabkan oleh obat/senyawa kimia seperti CCl4.  Peningkatan nilai SGPT ringan sampai sedang dapat disebabkan oleh adanya hepatitis, sirosis, kanker pada hati dan alkohol. Terkadang pada sirosis hanya terjadi peningkatan nilai SGPT 2-4 kali dari nilai normal.

Sementara SGOT banyak dijumpai pada organ jantung, hati, otot rangka, pankreas, paru-paru, sel darah merah dan sel otak. Saat sel organ tersebut mengalami kerusakan, maka SGOT akan dilepaskan dalam darah. Alhasil saat pengukuran akan terlihat korelasi besarnya atau tingkat keparahan sel yang terjadi. Nilai normal SGOT berkisar dari 3 - 45 unit per liter (u/l). Peningkatan nilai SGOT ini dapat disebabkan oleh adanya hepatitis C. Pada hepatitis akut, peningkatan bisa terjadi hingga 20 kali nilai normalnya.

Hasil studi menunjukkan, berdasarkan perhitungan statistik, terjadi penurunan nilai SGOT dan SGPT yang signifikan. Setelah 14 hari terapi, penurunan nilai SGOT dari total pasien mencapai hingga 2,89 kali, sedangkan untuk SGPT mencapai 3,28 kali dibandingkan sebelum pengobatan. Hasil yang tidak berbeda jauh juga ditemukan pada individu yang menderita hepatitis dan non hepatitis. Pasien hepatitis mengalami penurunan SGOT sebanyak 3,48 kali dan SGPT sebanyak 3,82 kali, dibandingkan sebelum pengobatan. Sedang pada individu non hepatitis, terjadi penurunan SGOT sekitar 1,91 kali dan SGPT sebanyak 2,15 kali.

Menggali Manfaat Lain

Hingga kini, telah banyak studi yang dilakukan untuk mencoba mereguk manfaat lain dari umbi berharga ini. Studi  yang tengah gencar dilakukan adalah untuk melihat manfaat kurkumin sebagai antitumor guna mengobati penyakit kanker. Sejumlah laporan menunjukkan, kurkumoid termasuk kurkumin memiliki aktivitas kemopreventif dan kuratif melawan kanker. Studi tersebut umumnya dilakukan pada hewan percobaan dengan rute pemberian berbeda dan diuji dengan sistem in vitro. Namun sedikit studi juga telah mulai dilakukan belakangan ini pada manusia.

Manfaat lain yang juga tengah diincar dari kurkumin adalah penghambatan replikasi human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Sebuah studi menunjukkan, kurkumin menghambat tahap fusion sel virus pada siklus replikasi HIV. Berbagai studi terus dilakukan untuk mencari titik terang. Jika semua terbukti secara klinis, maka tanaman yang mengandung kurkumin akan semakin kaya manfaat. Dan Indonesia tentu akan turut berbahagia, karena tanaman itu adalah asli dari Bumi Pertiwi.
Name : Yunita Triana  Dewi
NPM    :
Class    : III-B


            Young learner and adult learner are a big difference between in teaching, to young learners and teaching to adult learners because teaching to young learners and adult are different, the young learner still young to learn the second language and they don’t have experience about learn second language was compared with adult learners, so as teacher we must know the characteristics the pupils which will helps them to learn second language. Based on statement above as a teachers, we need to identify those characteristics in order to understand them well, so teachers can decide how to treat them well and apply the appropriate techniques. Identifying young learners, teachers not only looked for the surface but also from the outside. Physically, young learner has some unique characteristics which are different from adult learners.

Generally, the physic of young learners is dominant. They always walks, jump, runs and move every time. Physic the children still fresh and strong which make them can’t stop and tired to do many activity. For example kindergarten pupils in the classroom, they very active to move around in a class. As the teacher we use activities that allow the child use his or her energy, we can use activities such as finger plays and those that use music. Provide activities such as beanbag tossing, marching and jumping. Avoid activities that require skill and coordination, such as cutting and putting.

Their understanding children come through hand, eyes, and ears. They are sensitive aspect to young learner when they learn of second language so we teach them with nice method. For example, when the teacher explain a subject, the teacher use picture, song, to interest attention to the teacher. Teacher can uses problem solving activities such as riddles, review, and open-ended stories. Use pictures, flannel cutouts, and other visual materials. Introduce new word and allow the children make a decision. Discuss the importance of choosing the right and allow the child to practice making decision with limited choices. Provide opportunities for reading, writing, singing, hearing stories and role playing.

Children perform physical activity in many ways such as coloring, drawing, and writing. In teach children second language teacher uses method which make them happy and understanding and we can communicative with them. Engage the child in physical activities. Use simple games and other activities We can encourage learning children with. Allow the child to cut and paste, coloring picture, drawing picture and writing some new word and to put puzzles together. Allow for independence. Express confidence in the child. Accept and encourage the child’s efforts.  Allow the child to talk and ask questions. Allow him or her to read simple words and phrases. Use wordstrips for simple words. Assign simple tasks and responsibilities. Use drawing activities, true-to-life stories, and visual materials. Vary activities, using pictures, games, songs, and discussions. Use problem-solving activities such as riddles and discussion questions. Allow the child to pretend, dramatize, and use puppets. Laugh with the child.  Help the child learn the value of individual differences.  Frequently teach the value and importance of the family. Give the child an opportunity to share feelings about his or her family.  Give specific praise for positive behavior. Avoid activities or expressions that might embarrass the child.  Model appropriate behavior. Do not be shocked if the child says something that is untrue or inappropriate. 

In short, understanding about the characteristics of young learners physical is absolutely necessary for teacher in kindergarten and elementary school. It aims to build a strong understanding about children’s characteristics in order to apply an appropriate techniques to teach them better.

1.      Adapted from Teaching: No Greater Call, Salt Lake City, Utah: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1999.
2.      Teaching English to Young Learners: How They Learn and the Pedagogical Implication.pdf, by: Rojab Siti Rodliyah.
My own experiences 
Characteristics of a Good Teacher

  • One of the most important attribute of a good teacher is to be a good communicator. He should be comfortable explaining things and enjoy doing the same.
  • At times, a teacher might feel like yelling or shouting at students, but a good teacher is one who knows how to keep the temper in check and act calmly in such situations.
  • A good sense of humor is another great tool that helps a teacher to simplify his task. Wit and humor, when applied in the proper manner, can form an important part of a successful teaching program.
  • A good teacher must have good time management skills and always value the importance of time. In fact, wise utilization of time is the hallmark of a good teacher.
  • A teacher should always adopt a fair attitude, when it comes to making any form of evaluations. He should be fair to his profession and assess students on their performance, instead of personal rapports and likings.
  • A good teacher should have the necessary command over the subject matter he teaches. This way, he can be comfortable while explaining things. Besides, he will be equipped with answers of any possible questions that might crop up during the lecture sessions.
  • A teacher should be dedicated towards his work. He should not kill his time in the classroom and wait for the school bell to ring. Instead, taking out time and engaging in after-school meetings and activities is what suits him.
  • A good teacher should be meticulous and have an eye for detail. In fact, a disorganized person would find the vocation unsuitable and unfulfilling. Well thought-out plans and programs for teaching will assist the productivity of a teacher.
  • A good teacher should be a good leader and a good friend. He should also be a disciplinarian and the students must look up to him. However, this should not stop him from acting like an ally under certain situations.
The characteristics of a good teacher

Created on: February 06, 2008   Last Updated: September 27, 2011
In a lifetime, we as people will be graced with the presence of one great teacher. If we are lucky, it'll be two. These people end up shaping our lives for the better because of their greatness, and we deeply admire them for that.
A great teacher has many faces. They may typically be a professor or teacher in the classroom, but often they can be our family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. It makes no difference who they are really, or what their profession, but great teachers all have one thing in common. They instill inside us values, knowledge, hopes and dreams. Once they've been taught to us, we are changed for the rest of our lives.
Teachers who teach for a profession have high expectations to meet. They hold our young children's minds in their hands and mold them like pieces of fine clay. Greatness is expected form these teachers as they are responsible for helping bring our children into their adult lives. This is partly why it is important to find the characteristics that these great teachers share. If teachers are to be taught themselves, they must be taught the excellent traits of their peers before them.
Let's take a look at the qualities that define a great teacher.
1. Love What They Do
There is no question, that awesome teachers love to teach. Not doing it for the money, prestige, or glory, they teach because it brings them an incredible feeling of satisfaction knowing they are contributing positively to the futures of others. If a teacher doesn't have this inner satisfaction, and does not enjoy what they do, they'll never be able to make lasting impressions in their students minds. Passion has great impact, and this is something that all great teachers have.
2. Good Communicators
A teacher has the responsibility of bridging the gap between themselves and their students, so good communication skills are a must. It's difficult sometimes to relate to people, especially children, so that learning can happen in their minds, but excellent teachers are masters of this. Relating to students on the student's level, these teachers have developed many ways to reach their students, and communicate using terrific speaking skills, visual aids, and even in their body language.
3. Admirable
In order for a teacher to be great, they must be admirable. These teachers lead lives of high moral ground, and they set an example to their students because of it. Really though, admirable teachers are more credible than others. We as people are much more likely to listen to those we admire, because we wish to be like them. Models of who we would like to someday be, great teachers help show us the way.
4. Positive Reinforcement
Instead of using strict punishment to discipline students, great teachers know how to use positive reinforcement to discipline instead. These teachers understand that negatively hinders how their students learn, creates resentment in the students minds, and ends up breaking the ties of the student-teacher relationship. Often these teachers reward their students for doing a good job, so they are more apt to doing it in the future.
5. Fair & Just
Equality is an ideal that great teachers hold dear to themselves. They treat their students equally, yet giving them the individual attention they need. No child is left out in the mind of a wonderful teacher, and they make it a mission to teach them all the same. In doing so, they end up teaching their students the importance of equality and fair treatment, even if the teacher hadn't intended to do so.
6. Leadership
Great teachers are leaders. In the classroom, they own the spotlight, and have the responsibility of being strong instructors so that students listen to them with determination. They have to lead their students on the right path through the learning experience, and help by showing the obstacles that may stand in the student's way.
7. Committed.
There is no doubt that a great teacher is committed. They go above and beyond the time requirements of a typical teacher, and are willing to help students whenever they need it. Great teachers are very committed to the curriculum they teach, and like their students, are always continuing to learn in the hopes of becoming even better teachers.
8. Understanding
Great teachers understand their students better than most people. They understand where their students came from, who they are, and know the best avenue to take them to who they will become. Great teachers have an uncanny understanding of what they teach, because they are experts in their fields of knowledge.
9. Compassion & Caring
There is suffering in the world, and a great teacher recognizes this and has the inner desire to help. Great teachers help by teaching, because they know that by giving knowledge to the next generation, they are creating individuals who will have the skills, compassion, and dedication to ending suffering. Great teachers care about the world and what they do and wouldn't have things any other way.
10. Confidence
A teacher can't teach without confidence. Students won't believe in a teacher that first doesn't believe in there-self. Great teachers are confident that they know how to teach, and in what they are teaching. Nothing stands in the way of this confidence, and the teacher does their best not to become arrogant about the job they do.
11. Prepared
Excellent teachers are prepared. They know they steps necessary in their curriculum to teach students, and follow them well. These teachers are always ready to go when the time calls for it and they never leave their students lost and not knowing the direction they are headed. Great teachers stick to the plans they've prepared, in order to teach the beat way possible
12. Professionalism
Professionalism is the sign of a great teacher. They know that as someone who is responsible for helping people learn, they must take their work seriously. Terrific teachers dress well, have good hygiene, and treat their students with respect. They believe in timeliness, and are never late and rarely miss days they are assigned to work. In do so, their students respect them, and are more willing to learn from them.

There are many qualities that make up a great teacher, and these are some of the most important ones. The next time you think about that awesome teacher you had, whomever it may be, think about these qualities and what it takes to be a person who lives a life of admiration. If we truly learn from these people that have shaped our lives, then maybe we can become teachers too.


Bees are insect.There are about 20,000 species or kinds of bees.They live everywhere in the world except on hight mountains,in the Arctic and Antartic,and on some small islands in the ocean.
Some bees are as small as 0.08 inch(2 millimeters).However,some bees are as big as 1.6 inches(4 centimeters).Bees come come in many colours:black,gray,yellow,red,green or blue.Most bees live alone.They are called solitary bees.Meanwhile,some bees live I group colonies.They are social bees.
Bees have three pairs of legs and four wings.Like all insect,they have a head,chest,and abdomen.They have mouthparts and tongue for collecting nectar.They carry nectar in an organ called a honey stomach.
Moreover,bees have special wings that let them fly like a helicopter.
They can fly backward,forward,sideways,or stay in one place in the air.
            In addition,bees have three regular eyes and two compound eyes.Their compound eyes have many lenses.Furthermore,bees can see colours and patterns.This helps them find flowers.

Kakadu National Park

Capturing The Territorys Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park is on the World Heritage List.
It is one of the few sites in the world included for both outsanding cultural and natural attraction.The park is located in the tropical north of Australia,120 kilometers east of Darwin.It covers a total area of 19,804 square kilometers.
Kakadu contains features of great natural beauty and sweeping landscapes.Its most outstanding landform in clued extensive wetlands and spectacular”walks of rock”.
Moreover,Kakadu National Park contains a wide range of flora and fauna.There are more than 60 species of mammls,289 species of birds,132 species of reptiles,25 species of frogs,55 species of freshwater fish and over 10,000 of species of insects.Besides,eucalyptus forest,woodland and grassland cover much of the lowland area in Kakadu Nationa Park.There are even small areas of monsoon  rain forest.During the wet season,rivers and creeks flood and spread out over the broad foodplains to form vast wetlands,where ducks,geese and wading birds abound.